J U B I L E E   H O N O R A R Y    C O M M I T T E E   O F   T H E

130th A N N I V E R S A R Y   O F   E S T A B L I S H M E N T A N D

20th A N N I V E R S A R Y   O F   R E N E W A L

O F   T H E

J Ó Z E F   M I A N O W S K I   F U N D

A   F O U N D A T I O N   F O R   T H E   P R O M O T I O N   O F   S C I E N C E

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Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland

Donald Tusk

Minister of Science and Higher Education

Barbara Kudrycka

Minister of Culture and National Heritage

Zbigniew Zdrojewski

President of Warsaw

Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz

President of the Polish Academy of Science

Michał Kleiber

President of Warsaw Scientific Society

Janusz Lipkowski

President of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences

Andrzej Białas

Rector of the Warsaw University

Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow

Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology

Włodzimierz Kurnik

Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Henryk Skorowski

Rector of the Warsaw University of Live Sciences

Alojzy Szymański

Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics

Adam Budnikowski

Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw

Marek Krawczyk

Rector of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music

Stanisław Moryto

Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts

Ksawery Piwocki

President of the Stefan Batory Foundation

Aleksander Smolar

President of the Foundation of Polish Science

Maciej Żylicz